
Monday, October 9, 2017

#25 - "Good Day!"

I went to Starbucks with a friend at lunch today.  We were racing about town and went through the drive-thru to grab a quick caffeine boost.  The woman who greeted us through the intercom did so with a cheery "good day!" and it made me smile.  She also had the best laugh - I mean truly an awesome laugh.  After she'd delivered my PSL (I'm an addict, I know), I gave her $5.  She was confused and told me I'd payed with my card.  When I told her it was for her because she made me smile with her awesome attitude she quite literally squealed and did a kind of vibrating dance thing.  She turned around and showed her co-workers and looked like she might actually cry.  She thanked me profusely and told me how special it was.  It was $5...  Wouldn't you give $5 to someone if you knew it would mean that much to them?  Sometimes you just need to reward awesomeness when you see it.  This woman could have just slugged through the day and taken my order like everyone else, but she was doing her job in a way that made my day better.  If anyone deserves kindness it's the person who's working so hard at being awesome for others.  So lady at the Starbucks drive-thru on 1709, I salute you!  Thanks for the incredible coffee drink and the cheery disposition.

#24 - Danger Zone

Last week I took 5 incredible women to the movies.  We went completely old-school and saw Top Gun.  I even snuck some pictures during the volleyball scene <squeal!>.  Tickets were cheap and I created a little coalition of women who could forget our stresses and laugh together for a couple of hours.  Creating the space to relax and laugh is an act of kindness, and it's an awfully fun one!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

#23 - Tweet a Little

A few weeks ago I had a friend putting together a gift basket for a teacher. She asked what teachers would most want as a gift. While I thought I had some good ideas, I've learned that it's always wise to go to the source. I asked the Twitterverse, and Tweeting teachers specifically, what they most want as a gift. I was thrilled when answers started rolling in!  I passed on the information and an awesome gift basket was created... but that's when I realized that this was a pretty easy random act of kindness in the making. I picked an awesome teacher who had Tweeted my way and decided to gift him the suggestion he made. So a couple weeks ago Mr Hardy's room got several boxes of Kleenex and a whole mess of Expo markers!  Best yet, Amazon delivered them directly to the campus so I managed this whole act of kindness from my desk. How's that for an awesome and efficient kindness moment? Mr Hardy - thank you for your awesome spirit and your heart for kids. We're a better school community because of you!