
Friday, March 24, 2017

#11 - Lunch Crack Fix

One of my best friends is an exceptionally hard working mom who would do anything for me or, frankly, anyone else. She gives from her heart all the time, and she has a hard time accepting help. I certainly understand that tendency - as women we tend to feel like we have to be everything to everyone and allowing someone to help would indicate failure of some sort.  I'm beginning to learn that we are all stronger when we allow ourselves to lean on each other now and again.

So for lunch today I adversely possessed this friend's phone, which has been rather smashed up for the past several weeks. Poor dear hasn't had the chance to get it fixed, so I decided I could tackle that errand. Half an hour later her phone was fixed and we both learned that sometimes letting someone help isn't all bad.  

In today's society we tend to run about in our own little worlds and not see other people's needs or allow others to see ours. I'm going to try and be vulnerable and ask for help when I need it, and this acts of kindness challenge has helped me be more cognizant of the needs of others. 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

#10 - Helping Bag

My tenth random act of kindness is in the form of bags full of basics. I've created several bags full of nonperishable food, hand sanitizer, and toiletries. I'll keep these in my car to provide to the homeless as the opportunities present themselves. I'm sure they appreciate change or random dollars I have, but maybe having some food or shampoo will show them that someone cared enough to think about them ahead of time. It took just a little time and a few dollars to be prepared to provide someone with a helping hand, or bag, as the case may be. In this day and time it seems more important than ever to give a little to help those struggling.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

#9 - Kindness to Self

One of the many awesome things about working for a school is spring break. It's fantastic to get a week off just as flowers are blooming, daylight savings time is making waking up harder, and (frankly) I'm just tired. I often travel over spring break but decided not to this year. Instead I opted for about 40 hours of kindness to myself. I checked into the Ritz in Dallas Sunday afternoon and didn't walk out until Tuesday.  Let's be honest - it's exorbetently priced, ridiculously fancy, and completely self indulgent. But at the end of the day, just a tiny bit of indulgence now and again isn't a bad thing. This week I chose to purposefully be kind to myself for a bit. It was so awesome and relaxing and special. I feel rested. So this random act of kindness is all mine - I appreciate your grace indulging this one.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

#8 - When the going gets busy, the busy deserve flowers

It's been a couple weeks since I was intentional with doing and blogging acts of kindness.  Life, as it inevitably does, got busy.  My sister, Amy Grosso, knows a few things about busy.  Full time job, near full time board member and volunteer for the AFSP, full time mom of a three year old, and full time wife of a husband who is a coach and currently in the depths of lacrosse season.  Amy is whipped this time of year, but she continues to go full blast and give every aspect of her life her all.  Sometimes the busiest of us needs just a tiny reminder that someone notices that things are tough but they keep kicking.  Amy, I notice.  I am amazed by your endurance and passion for everything in your life.  If that doesn't deserve flowers on a random Tuesday, I don't know what does.