
Saturday, November 25, 2017

#30 - Fill 'er Up!

My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew spent a day with me last week before they flew to Ohio to visit family.  I offered to drive them tot he airport and store their car in my garage while they were away.  They flew back home this evening, and I knew that the three hour car ride home after the flight from Ohio was going to make for a very long day.  Kindness came in making that trip home as easy as possible.  I stopped and filled the tank up so they wouldn't have to stop to do that on the way home.  I then stopped at Sonic and got all three of them their favorite drinks - even a lemonade for sweet Keaton!  I also had a feeling 4 year old Keaton might be a bit hungry when they landed, so I got him a corn dog.  All were thrilled with the drinks and snack and appreciative of the fuel.  I was happy to help and happier to get to spend a few precious minutes with them.  Making life easier for others is a pretty soul-filling act of kindness.

#28 and #29 - Through the Woods to Grandmother's House I Go

My 28th and 29th acts of kindness took place over the Thanksgiving holiday.  My grandmother, Wanda, lives in Roswell, NM.  Getting to Roswell by car takes about 7.5 hours of pretty boring driving (see photo below).  I generally go see her every Christmas, but it's been several years since I've seen her for Thanksgiving.  This year I made the trip to spend a couple days with her.  When we spoke about me coming she said she was just not up for cooking (she's 83 - who can blame her?!) so we'd go out to eat.  I know how much tradition means to her, so I decided to take the matter into my own hands.  My 7.5 hour trip was done with two coolers in the back seat full of Thanksgiving meal necessities from the catering department of Central Market.  We had turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, brussel sprouts, rolls, and two pies.  No pressure to cook or guilt if I cooked, because all we had to do is heat it up!  Mama was moved to tears and thanked me profusely.  Thanks aren't necessary, as I'd have done it all again to see her smile when I walked in the front door.  I was also rewarded with an incredible sunrise Friday morning when I started my drive home.  I count this as two acts because going was an act of kindness and bringing dinner was another that surprised and thrilled her.

Friday, November 10, 2017

#27 - Chic Fil A Aggression

This morning I treated myself to Chic-Fil-A for breakfast. We have two lanes at the drivethru. The pickup next to me was being weird and almost seemed to be trying hard to get in front of me. Rather than getting hacked off I decided maybe he was having a hard morning. So when I ended up in front of him I decided to buy his breakfast. Maybe it changed his trajectory!  Sometimes the people acting the least kind need kindness the most.

#26 Choosing Not to Rage

I drive from my office in Keller, TX to Texas Christian University in Fort Worth every Tuesday during afternoon rush hour. I'm amazed at how many cars are on the road and how many of those cars are driven by asshats. People cut in line, tailgate, and drive otherwise aggressively. Something about being in a car makes people lose civility. 

This last Tuesday I got in my car and decided today's commute was going to be different. I decided I would drive kindly every chance I got. I let people over, I slowed down to make space when I saw a blinker, I even waved over a gigantic 18 wheeler. Everyone else kept driving like asshats, but I chose not to. Know what?  It made an awesome difference!  By looking for ways to be kind instead of ways to be pissed off was an incredible lift in my spirits!  It was awesome to focus on something positive. That commute was an act of kindness that filled my spirit immensely!  Focusing on the right thing can make all the difference.