
Friday, December 15, 2017

#35 - Mentoring

I've been torn about whether or not to "count" this as an act of kindness...  I mentor a sweet girl in middle school.  I've been in her life since 3rd grade.  Our time started with casual talks about school and have transitioned to discussions about course selections, strategies to get homework in, extra-curriculur activies, and even navigation of social issues.  In short, I try to be a big sister - a supporting adult in her life that will listen and help her navigate school.  In the four years with her I've seen her grow into a sweet young lady who cares about her grades, has a fun level of sass, and still yells "I love you" to me as she leaves our lunches.  I absolutely get more from her than she gets from me, and I am humbed and honored to spend time with her.  I'll count it as an act of kindness for one reason, and one reason only.  My awesome mentee has been oddly fond of an oversized black hoodie that didn't seem like her personality to me.  I got her a new hoodie for Chrismas and she claims to love it.  She loved it so much she even agreed to a picture in the hoodie with Ellile the Elf!

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