
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

#21 - In the House of Shine

Many of my acts of kindness revolve around giving things of value to others. While those acts of kindness are awesome, it's also important to remember that giving of time is also a worthy - sometimes even more valuable - act of kindness. Yesterday I had my first meeting as a member of the advisory board for the House of Shine. This incredible organization is a nonprofit that aims to help children and women find their Shine and use it to make a contribution to their community and world. How awesome is that?  Everyone has gifts to share, and this organization takes effective steps to make that happen. I'm honored and humbled to give my time to this noble cause!

Do you want to learn more about finding your Shine?  Check this out!:

Sunday, August 27, 2017

#20 - Feeling Helpless with Harvey

I have many friends struggling with the devestation unleashed upon southeast Texas by Harvey. I continue to tease some of my Houston friends about getting a boat to come get them, and I would if I could. When disasters like this strike and there's not much we can do to help, it starts feeling rather helpless. So rather than buying a boat and traveling to Houston where I would surely end up needing saving myself, I donated to the Red Cross this morning. They are in the thick of things providing relief to those who need it most. I'd love it if you'd do the same... You can select Harvey specifically from that page if you're so inclined. To my friends and to strangers who may see this, you're in my prayers. I wish I could do more, but know that we're here ready to help in any way we can whenever we can.

Friday, August 11, 2017

#19 - Book Blessings

This 19th act of kindness is my favorite so far.  Months ago I went to an event benefitting the school district.  They showed a video of a young lady who'd received a scholarship and talked about how much every dollar meant to her as she started college.  It made me think about some of our students who are first generation college-goers and how difficult it must be to get started on a campus with modest financial backing and blazing a trail in your family.  The AVID program does incredible work with first generation college-bound students, and Keller ISD is lucky to have an incredible AVID program, especially at Fossil Ridge High School.  Knowing that every dollar means the world to new college kids, I decided this was a great place for kindness.

I spoke with the AVID teacher at FRHS (shout out to Hillary White!) and asked if she had some college-bound students who would be starting at a university this fall and could use a little help with textbooks.  I then recruited assistance from one of the most generous men I know (Joe Griffin).  We decided we could buy the books for 4 students' first semester!  I got to notify those young people on Tuesday, and the outpouring of love and gratitude has been overwhelming and inspiring.

Sometimes I forget how hard it was to start college and be overwhelmed with the astronomical cost of everything.  I do remember going to the grocery store and being shocked that cereal cost $4.  I cried at the bookstore when I saw my biology book was over $100.  It just seems like a lot when you're 18 and new to the world.  Heck, it seems like a lot when you're 40 and have been around the block.  If a few hundred dollars can make those first few months a little easier on a first-generation college student, it's money well spent.  This is my favorite act of kindness so far because I feel like it has the potential to make the most long term impact.  My heart is full today.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

#18 - Let's Start Blooming

School starts next week! I always love the first part of a new school year when everything is fresh and full of new possibilities.  It seems like the perfect time to throw around some kindness to try and help start the year off well for people.  Last week during an incredible fine arts PD day I was lucky enough to sit next to an art teacher I had never met before.  We had about a minute to chat and get to know each other.  As I left that day I contemplated ways to make an impact on her and the work she does.  As the lawyer it's not often that I can have a direct impact on the work of a teacher (yes, I have an impact, but it's generally a bit removed).  Inspired by words from the awesome Kim Blann, I decided to try and make her happy.  This week she'll get flowers delivered to her classroom just to remind her that someone is hoping she has an awesome school year.  Few things shout happiness more than fresh flowers, in my humble opinion!

As you go through your next week or two, give a teacher some words of encouragement.  Starting the year right makes all the difference, and they can use the love!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

#17 - Watch Out!

It's back to school time!  I vividly remember my childhood's August being a time of anxious excitement, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, and new outfits.  One summer in my painful tween years included a glorious trip to the store where I opted for several pairs of knock-off Keds in various colors instead of a more expensive pair of practical shoes.  I remember this because I recall how excited I was to have a pair of yellow shoes.  Brand new sunshine-y shoes for my middle school entrance.  I've become more and more cognizant of the fact that many of our students come back to school without the supplies they need much less new sneakers.  We have families that simply cannot afford all of the back-to-school hoopla.

So for my 17th act of kindness for the year I decided the girls I mentor deserved a little something special.  They both got a brand new super fun white Timex watch with multi-color numbers.  "Watch" out world!  My special young ladies are ready to tackle middle school like the wonder women they are!  One of them has already told me she does not like it... she LOVES it!  As you buy your kiddos their supplies and new clothes, try to remember that it's a luxury many cannot afford.  It's great to provide for your kids in the best way you can, but it's even better to make sure your kids have perspective and realize they're fortunate.  I'm 40 and I think I might finally be really getting it.

Now let's have the most awesome school year ever! Watch out world!