
Sunday, January 29, 2017

#5 - Signed, sealed, delivered

My grandmother is one of the most important people in my life. I adore her. She's an incredible 82 year old woman who still works as a nurse 12 hour shifts, 3 days a week. She cares about the patients in her care deeply. She has a heart of gold. My world is so digitized that I often fail to keep up with her life or keep her updated on mine.  Mama Frost doesn't Facebook or Tweet or even email or text. She keeps it old school, which often means we miss each other's day to day happenings. I should do a better job at reaching out in ways she's accustomed. In that spirit, today I used the Touchnote app (allows you to send real postcards from an app on your phone) to send Mama a postcard that just reminds her that I love and miss her. It's important to communicate with those we love in the ways they will get the message and hear us. I think putting a stamp on a love note is an act of kindness. And in the event Mama ever finds her way to the Internet, I love you very much.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

#4 - Kindness is bigger than Fear

My fourth random act of kindness came by complete happenstance. I worked well past sunset tonight and was the only person in my half of the building. My office has windows next to a parking lot and sidewalk. I heard talking outside and kept working at my desk--assuming it was people leaving the office or picking up their kiddos. Suddenly there was a knock on my window and a face peering in. The woman had someone behind her and loudly asked if I could help. I'll be honest, it probably wasn't safe to meet them at the side door. It was probably unwise to open the door to a stranger. At the end if the day, I'd rather be a person who assumes the best in people. I'd rather open doors than build walls based on fear.  I'll take the risk and hope in the goodness of mankind. And as it turns out, a nice lady with her disabled child just needed to get to a seminar on the other side of the building. Directions were given with a smile and wish for a great evening. The woman apologized for knocking on my window and was so appreciative that I was willing to help. She thanked me for my kindness. Sometimes opening a door is a random act of kindness. In this day and time, having faith that people are decent is an act of kindness.  Some may call it naive, and I'm ok with that. I call it hope.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

#3 - Honoring Mrs. Pierce

A week ago today Keller ISD lost one of its elementary school librarians.  Mrs. Pierce (Camille) was a beloved member of the Parkview Elementary family and her death has impacted that campus and the District.  She was just 33 when cancer took her, and she leaves behind a husband and two sons, ages 5 and 3.  I never got to meet Camille, and I am saddened by that because of the love that I've seen over the last week.  She was an incredible woman I wish I could have known.  Losses like this are so hard, in part, because there just doesn't seem to be anything that can be done to stop the hurt.  There is nothing I can do to stop the hurt of Mr. Pierce or those young boys.  I can't stop the hurt her parents are feeling this very second.  I can't even stop the hurt her colleagues at school feel.  But I can try to show some kindness from afar.  A memorial fund has been set up to help fund her children's educations.  My third random act of kindness is a donation to that fund.  It won't stop the hurt, but it will honor her memory and legacy as a beloved educator, and that's something.

If you, too, would like to contribute, you can do so at the Camille Pierce Memorial Fund, EECU, PO Box 1777, Fort Worth, Texas 76101.

Read more here:

Thursday, January 12, 2017

#2 - When you have a Star(buck) in your life

I've noticed that it's easy to rely on those who are consistently reliable.  When you can depend on someone to always be there, always get the work done, always do things just the way you want them...  well, it's easy to forget what life was like before them.  Taking a trusted friend, colleague, or life-saver for granted is way too easy.  My assistant is all of those things; she's a gem, and I'm lucky to have her.  Catherine makes both me and the school district better day in and day out.  I can trust her with the work that comes in, and I know she's going to do it quickly and well.  I am so lucky she's in my world, and today I wanted her to know that I appreciate her.  Nothing says love and kindness like a peppermint mocha.  I've got a Star in my world, and today she got a Starbucks!  I'm trying to remember that random acts of kindness don't have to be directed at random strangers.  Those people closest to me need acts of kindness just as much and maybe more.  Cheers to an awesome assistant who makes my life better!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

#1 - It's the Nugget Size Things That Matter

It's the little things, isn't it?  I'll be honest, I tried hard to do a big ol' awesome random act of kindness for my first one, but I got a bit thwarted with logistics and am still waiting on a response email from a kind but busy soul at a nursing home (details to come).  I was disappointed it wasn't going smoothly and lamenting that fact in line at ChickFilA while waiting for breakfast.  Things work out as they should, because I realized that the lesson to be learned is that acts of kindness don't have to be big gestures.  I think too often we have big ideas and big desires and end up not doing anything at all when the big stuff seems too difficult.  If everybody did the little stuff it would add up to really incredible world-altering awesome stuff!  So I decided right then and there that I was going to do a little something to make someone happier than they would have been without me being on this planet. Right then.  No waiting.  Nice (I give her the benefit of the doubt) lady behind me in the drive through line, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast just a little more because it was free to you.  I had a better day after spending the $5 to buy your breakfast, so it was a definite win-win.  Little acts of love and kindness matter, so throw those around like confetti!  I'm embracing the fact that my first of 40 random acts of kindness was a humble one.