
Thursday, January 26, 2017

#4 - Kindness is bigger than Fear

My fourth random act of kindness came by complete happenstance. I worked well past sunset tonight and was the only person in my half of the building. My office has windows next to a parking lot and sidewalk. I heard talking outside and kept working at my desk--assuming it was people leaving the office or picking up their kiddos. Suddenly there was a knock on my window and a face peering in. The woman had someone behind her and loudly asked if I could help. I'll be honest, it probably wasn't safe to meet them at the side door. It was probably unwise to open the door to a stranger. At the end if the day, I'd rather be a person who assumes the best in people. I'd rather open doors than build walls based on fear.  I'll take the risk and hope in the goodness of mankind. And as it turns out, a nice lady with her disabled child just needed to get to a seminar on the other side of the building. Directions were given with a smile and wish for a great evening. The woman apologized for knocking on my window and was so appreciative that I was willing to help. She thanked me for my kindness. Sometimes opening a door is a random act of kindness. In this day and time, having faith that people are decent is an act of kindness.  Some may call it naive, and I'm ok with that. I call it hope.


  1. Awww thanks for letting her in for our meeting :) You are the best!

    1. 100% my pleasure! I'm glad they found their way to you. I saw your vehicle on my way to my car and smiled - thank you for your late nights and great heart!

  2. And now I am the only one left on this side of the building :)

  3. As a mom with 4 special needs kiddos Thank you!!!!!! Some days are rough and it's people like you who help us keep the courage and chug along! Love your blog! Good Luck!

    1. Please keep chugging. I can't imagine the daily struggle, but please know that there many of us who will continue to do everything we can to ensure you have the support and resources you need. Opening the door is the least I could do. I promise to co tiniest trying to find ways to open all the doors I can for you and your children. Thank you for your kindness!
