
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

#1 - It's the Nugget Size Things That Matter

It's the little things, isn't it?  I'll be honest, I tried hard to do a big ol' awesome random act of kindness for my first one, but I got a bit thwarted with logistics and am still waiting on a response email from a kind but busy soul at a nursing home (details to come).  I was disappointed it wasn't going smoothly and lamenting that fact in line at ChickFilA while waiting for breakfast.  Things work out as they should, because I realized that the lesson to be learned is that acts of kindness don't have to be big gestures.  I think too often we have big ideas and big desires and end up not doing anything at all when the big stuff seems too difficult.  If everybody did the little stuff it would add up to really incredible world-altering awesome stuff!  So I decided right then and there that I was going to do a little something to make someone happier than they would have been without me being on this planet. Right then.  No waiting.  Nice (I give her the benefit of the doubt) lady behind me in the drive through line, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast just a little more because it was free to you.  I had a better day after spending the $5 to buy your breakfast, so it was a definite win-win.  Little acts of love and kindness matter, so throw those around like confetti!  I'm embracing the fact that my first of 40 random acts of kindness was a humble one.